All Hail The Scottish Workers Republic!

Welcome to the Scottish Republican Socialist Newsletter.
We believe in independence and socialism that will only be achieved through National Liberation struggle.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Scottish Socialist Freedom Group joint Statement on Ireland (by Scottish and American Chapter)

Scottish Socialist Freedom Group joint Statement on Ireland (by Scottish and American Chapter)

Dear comrades, brothers and sisters.

The SSFG call for the unconditional end to the occupation of Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan by British forces in these countries.

That the British government must allow immediately for a referendum in the 32 Counties of Ireland for the Irish people on the island of Ireland to decide as a unit on their future.

An end to British military activity, policing and agencies of covert operations; MI5, MI6, and all the other corollary instruments of oppression and intelligence gathering in the Irish Free State and the North of Ireland.

An end to harrassment of Republicans on the island of Ireland.

Non recognition of the quasi British parliament Stormont in occupied Ireland.

The release of all Irish political prisoners and during this process the immediate repatriation of political prisoner Noel Maguire to be near his family as is his right as an Irish citizen and under the terms of his European rights as a citizen as well.

That the SSFG call for the maximum solidarity with Irish POWs this Christmas and recognise their full entitlement to political status.

We support the march to Scottish, Irish, Welsh and Breton freedom and our express belief in the building of Socialist Republics in the Celtic countries and around the world.


SSFG Alba Comunn
SSFG US Chapter

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A blog with a distinctly Scottish theme covering my interests in matters Scottish and Republican Socialism.