All Hail The Scottish Workers Republic!

Welcome to the Scottish Republican Socialist Newsletter.
We believe in independence and socialism that will only be achieved through National Liberation struggle.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Join the Scottish Socialist Freedom Group

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SSFG - What We Stand For?

* An Independent Scottish Socialist Republic

* A Referendum for Scottish Independence

* A Celtic Confederation

Scottish Socialist Freedom Group Founding Principles

The Scottish Socialist Freedom Group (SSFG) is not a platform or group within Solidarity but rather set up to be a republican socialist group that have ideas, values and aims that are consistent with our pro-Solidarity position.

We should recognise the valuable role of Solidarity Scotland's Socialist Movement to build the largest socialist movement for the Scottish Left. The aims of the SSFG remain consistent and compatible with the manifesto and socialist beliefs of Solidarity in the struggle for a Soclialist Republic in Scotland.

While the SSFG at present has confined activity to the Internet due to limited support we encourage socialist activity in the community especially through having membership of Solidarity.

With some International support through the Internet we act as a vehicle for education or debate and a think-tank to offer solidarity to our brothers and sisters elsewhere in the UK, U.S. or any of the Celtic countries or to include any part of the world.

We believe in the theoretical re-arming of the left and for building of a broad socialist party that Scotland needs and deserves.

What politics we stand for?

We believe in the right to self-determination of the Scottish people best achieved with the setting up of a democratic Scottish Republic.

Argue and campaign for an independent socialist Scotland based on democratic social ownership of key sectors of the economy and the values expressed in the founding statement of Solidarity.

Adhere to the philosophical teachings of Marx, Connolly and MacLean consistent with our republican socialist beliefs.

Recognise the validity and value of a socialist alternative to the capitalist system as outlined in the Solidarity manifesto. The SSFG manifesto shall remain on the website as a set of ideas for change put forward on behalf of the group rather than a blueprint to be followed by the letter.

Promote Internationalism for a world of equality, socialism and end to greed and a world that cares for the environment.

Support policies which are for non-discrimation and anti-racism and sexual equality including gay and lesbian rights.

And an end to imperialist wars and to strive for a world that is anti-poverty with social, economic and environmental justice and socialism for all.

*SSFG July 2008

Socialism and independence

The Scottish Socialism Freedom Group support the right of Scotland to self-determination and independence however believe the interests of the nation are best served by a Scottish democratic socialist society in the form of a republic. We reject both the politics of the unionists and constitutinal nationalists as the former offer more of the same in a failed British capitalist system while the latter seek to make capitalism work in Scotland. Constitutional parliamentary means will never deliver socialism to deal with the far reaching problems of ineqauliity in Scotland. We remain faithfull to ideas and beliefs or writings of Marx, Connolly and MacLean. However we are not against voting in Scottish and local elections to attempt to secure more democracy however urge voting for a pro-independence party while only seeing this as not a means to an end but merely progress. A means to an end is to remain faithful only to the idea of socialist revolution in action and the Scottish Socialist Republic in a New Scotland.

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A blog with a distinctly Scottish theme covering my interests in matters Scottish and Republican Socialism.