All Hail The Scottish Workers Republic!

Welcome to the Scottish Republican Socialist Newsletter.
We believe in independence and socialism that will only be achieved through National Liberation struggle.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Write to Irish Political Prisoner Michael Campbell

Have an email below in which I am welcomed to make public. Michael Campbell needs your support and although this is a Scottish Republican Socialist weblog we will not stand idly by while Irish Political Prisoners suffer in jail because of British Rule in Ireland.
Slan agus Beannacht
Larry a chara
I notice on the board several postings re Michael Campbell. I'd like to inform everyone that Michael DOES in fact receive mail sent to him at the prison. He curently has to share a cell with several other prisoners (in medieval conditions) and is only allowed less than one hour out of his cell for exercise and fresh air. He is confined to the cell for 23 hours a day. He would like to reply to all letters but is only allowed a small allowance to buy stamps and writing paper, so replying to each and every letter is nigh on impossible. He is in contact with me on a regular basis and has received all my letters so far. He appreciates very much people writing to him. Michael would like to apply for repatriation to a prison in Ireland to serve his sentence but as he is appealing against his sentence he cannot be repatriated until all such matters are out of the way. His appeal could take several years and even then his term of imprisonment could be extended, not reduced. He needs all our support Larry. Please feel free to post this on the board - in fact on any board. Hope these few lines find you well. Many thanks for all your updates Larry, much appreciated.
Slan go foill.
Michael H.
He is locked up 23 hours a day.
Write to Michael
His address is:

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A blog with a distinctly Scottish theme covering my interests in matters Scottish and Republican Socialism.