All Hail The Scottish Workers Republic!

Welcome to the Scottish Republican Socialist Newsletter.
We believe in independence and socialism that will only be achieved through National Liberation struggle.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Solidarity with the Irish Struggle for Freedom & Civil Rights

Important and necessary links have now been added to this weblog.

For Political Prisoners I have added the Irish Freedom Committee POW List for those wishing to write and support Irish Political Prisoners
I have also added the Irish Political Status Committee Forum link for the genuine concern for Irish POWs and information about Irish events published on their site.

Also on the Political Prisoners links I have included the 32CSM Scotland weblog for the valuable work they publicise and carry out for Irish Republican Prisoners. And they also support Scottish Independence and deservedly also feature on my blog list updates.

And finally I have created a new feature on my favourite list of books starting most importantly with Derry author and historian Fionnbarra O’Dochartaigh IRELAND - England's Vietnam book.

As I support real Scottish Republican activity I urge common cause with our Irish brothers and sisters in struggle to break the English connection.
Scotland Out Of Britain!
Britain Out Of Ireland!

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A blog with a distinctly Scottish theme covering my interests in matters Scottish and Republican Socialism.