All Hail The Scottish Workers Republic!

Welcome to the Scottish Republican Socialist Newsletter.
We believe in independence and socialism that will only be achieved through National Liberation struggle.

Saturday 30 October 2010


A new republican grouping has emerged in Scotland so I publish their founding statement below:


Saorsa is a SCOTTISH REPUBLICAN organisation.

However, the Republic we envisage does not mean simply rejecting
Britain’s feudal crown and Union. An “independent” Scotland
established on this basis will still be governed by British
Imperialism and its ally, Scottish capitalism.

Under capitalist rule society has been divided into two classes
with opposing interests; on the one side, the great mass of people
who create everything of value – the wealth producing class; and,
on the other, those few who control the wealth and power - the
ruling class.

This ‘contradiction’ not only robs the workers of the true value of
their labour, but it is central to the maintenance of the neo-
Imperialist system. Taking our place in the global ANTI-IMPERIALIST
struggle we recognise that we cannot talk of a 'free Scotland'
whilst we leave this conflict untouched.

For this reason Republicanism must mean WORKERS’ REPUBLICANISM.
Only by uniting the NATIONAL LIBERATION struggle of the Scottish
people with the workers’ struggle for SOCIALISM will we 'free

In Scotland today the Government, police, army and other tools of
the British state exist to defend the power of the few. We believe
the time is ripe to overthrow these conditions and establish the
rule of the majority, in a Republic based on the principles of
collective ownership and mutual solidarity. A Republic whose land
and resources are under the democratic control of the people, for
the benefit of all. Such a Republic can only be won through a
campaign of resistance, direct action & REVOLUTION!

Suas an Poblachd Shoisealach na h-Alba!

Victory to the Working Class!


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A blog with a distinctly Scottish theme covering my interests in matters Scottish and Republican Socialism.