All Hail The Scottish Workers Republic!

Welcome to the Scottish Republican Socialist Newsletter.
We believe in independence and socialism that will only be achieved through National Liberation struggle.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Why we should work together for independence

An independent Scotland would weaken parties like the BNP and deal with the cancer of the Scottish Defence League.

It is time the pro-independence parties sat down to hold discussions with the SNP. A single candidate standing for independence would make sense and ensure the Left did not split the vote. Differences between Scottish Left factions over socialism should not take priority over Scottish independence. Once the transition to independence is made we can battle for a Workers Republic. A Scottish Workers Socialist Republic cannot be achieved without independence. Our goal of a Scottish Republic need not take second place to the agenda of the reformist SNP. But we must keep our eye on the ball and consider the political landscape and the SNP proposals for an independence referendum.

As public support for an referendum on the issue of independence is at an all time high we need to consider the idea of public pressure politics. Where are the demonstrations being organized for an independence referendum? Why have public meetings involving cross party support and public figures not been organized to tour Scotland and bring the message to the people? Why have elections not been used to put an independence referendum to the top of the political agenda? These are some questions we should be asking.

The SNP cannot win independence alone on a platform of constitutional nationalism. They need to be prepared to work with others as the Scottish Left must be prepared to consider the needs of Nationalists to get us to the goal of independence.

The pro-independence parties of the Scottish Greens, Scottish Socialist Party, Solidarity and any others must be willing to hold discussions with the SNP about making independence and the referendum top priority between now and 2012.

We face a general election probably next year with the possibility of years of Tory rule after a Conservative victory. The consequences for Scotland are immense so we must be prepared to work together to smash the British union and the status quo.

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A blog with a distinctly Scottish theme covering my interests in matters Scottish and Republican Socialism.